As we proudly approach the 25th Anniversary of our Stay In School Project and Joy of Giving Initiative, we reflect on the milestones achieved since the inception of our educational supply drive in 1999. To date, we have successfully provided over 150,000 educational kits to students, and we serve hundreds of families annually through our Joy of Giving Initiative.
In honor of these significant milestones, our focus this year is to provide a minimum of 10,000 students attending Oakland/Alameda County schools with essential educational tools this fall. To achieve this ambitious goal, we are organizing a fundraiser to secure school supplies and ensure the continuation of our invaluable work.
This celebration will be hosted by our award-winning TV personalities Dave Clark and Roberta Gonzales. We are also featuring some very special musical guests, Dwayne Wiggins, Kev Choice Ensemble, and Ayo Brame, along with celebrity chef, Chef Rashad!
Please visit our website: Lendahandfoundation.org
OR click the link in our highlight reel titled “2024 LAHF EVENT” to purchase your tickets today!
We hope to see you there!
#StayInSchool #AnnualJoyofGiving #LAHF